welcome to

liberty high school

At Liberty High School, we are proud to offer a curriculum that is both challenging and enriching, designed to prepare our students for the complexities of the modern world. Our approach to education is holistic; we believe in the power of integrating cutting-edge technology with traditional learning methods to create a dynamic and engaging educational experience.

We understand that each student brings a unique set of skills and perspectives to our school. It is our mission to cultivate these individual talents and encourage every student to reach their full potential. Our dedicated faculty are not just educators, but mentors who are committed to guiding our students on their journey of learning and self-discovery.


Why Choose Us

Ministry Accredited

Flexible Timelines

Personalized Support

Customized Study Plans

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Follow us@LibertyHigh.ca


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Latest News

Stay informed with the latest updates and achievements at Liberty High School. Our News section is your go-to source for all school events, student accomplishments, and important announcements. Whether it’s academic successes, sports victories, or community projects, our news stories celebrate the vibrant life of our school community. Keep connected and engaged with everything happening at Liberty High School by visiting our news page regularly.


Speak to an Admissions Advisor for more information about our school or how to apply.